Saturday, 21 September 2013


It was a perfect morning for everyone, no one had the premonition of what would likely be. Even a soothsayer wouldn’t have been believed if he had said that before hand. Things were moving just the way it should before then. They used to be love birds.

J Don as he is fondly called by his admirers has this innocent look, doesn’t seem like one who could hurt a fly, he used to be the dream of every girl in the neighbourhood, because he wasn’t known for being a flirt, neither is he
associated to being a bully. Almost all knew about his relationship with Jane, always walking together and holding hands, what a perfect match one would say.

I remember on one of their happy moments, some paparazzi took a picture of them tighing each other as if they were Siemens twins. It got to a point where friends were suggesting a movie script be created to portray what a good relationship should look like. So sad it passed with time after all.

It started some six months ago when Jane travelled for a course overseas, a short stay though, no longer did she moved than one of J Don’s female admirers came knocking. No one ever knew he’s been admiring the most sought after guy around. Well, there is no pain in having a friend always coming around to keep him company till his angel comes back. There was no basis for suspicion, besides, that’s one of the benefits of having a neighbor. Two weeks on, it sounded as if the friendly company was gradually turning into new date. Friends of both tried to caution them on the need not to allow this gesture go beyond a temporal friendship but the advice seem to have fell on deaf ears.

One month later, Jane took a surprise return. One wouldn’t say it was out of place for her not to have informed her love about her return. Not that she was being suspicious but because they have always lived a life of surprises. It wasn’t a rainy day, neither was the sun shining so bright, just one of the best weathers one would have in a perfect day, but heaven was let lose.

At first, Jane took it as nothing, besides we are all neighbours, so having her around my guy is no big deal but it dawned on her that things weren’t as soft as she thinks when J Don kissed Quincy right before her very eyes. Not even in their own privacy, but among those that came to welcome her.  That was a height of disrespect for a woman, more so, for a very good friend.

She couldn’t hold back those tears as they drip. Friends’ help couldn’t help either but the guy in question showed no sign of remorse.
I thought within me that I have seen some more blissful relationship crumble, but they all happened in a more honourable way. There are many ways he would have ended it and both parties would part ways amicably. The disgrace wasn’t just worth it; it is the most you can do to a woman.

I know one would ask what she did that warranted such an unjust treatment, well, the friends didn’t leave without putting up same question as well. Funny enough, the answer was the silliest I have ever heard of among reasons for break-up. Hear him say; “what I dislike in a woman is when she puts on the armour of suspicion and wishes to know if I’m cheating on her by coming home unannounced, it makes me feel like I’m taken for a ride”.

Sounds fictious but it happened anyway. Friends’ attempt to bring them back all proved abortive.

So many relationships crash in very funny ways, some with negligible reasons and most times, it is the lady that feels the impact the more. The fact remains that men do not realize how much they have hurt the lady.

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