Wednesday, 17 April 2013


Flora swallowed everything Desmond told her about working late, being on night duty and occasional business travels. She had no course to believe or doubt him. They were the closest couple in their neighborhood and their friends have always admired their closeness. It was a joke shared amongst their friends that should Desmond ever cheat on Flora, he would be the person to confess or die of guilt. Those talks were words of assurance to her  until that evening when a young lady visited with a baby strapped on her back. Flora was the last to know even though her mind often warned her to look more closely. She should have taken the recent signs more seriously.

When you get suspicious that your significant other is cheating, be careful not to ignore the signs but you have to walk a fine line. You don’t want to make false accusations. It’s hard to be sure if someone is cheating, but protect yourself: be vigilant and pay attention to your mind and spirit within the relationship. At the same time, be careful not to let anxiety lead the way because unnecessary paranoia will just drive your lover away. There are a lot of indications that he is cheating. For one thing, he will make less demands sexually.

In a perfect world, we would be open about sharing our correspondence with our significant others. Most times, we trust that we don’t have to worry about who is texting or calling them, but if you notice that he is getting protective and/or nervous when he gets a call or text, it may be cause for alarm. Suffice it to say that there are hardened men who are not moved by their partner’s presence when the other girl is at the other end of the phone. You know that exhilarating feeling you get when you meet someone new; you want to tell the world about him.

A friend Charles recalls that one of his exes began talking about a guy a lot near the end of their relationship. “He just always seemed to be at her social gatherings that I didn’t happen to attend. Sure enough, after she dumped me, she began dating him”.

Even though relationships ebb and flow naturally, if you are sensing that he is drawing away from you, then there may be someone else. Emotional disconnect should be investigated regardless of whether it is caused by cheating. There’s a problem if he is not laughing or seeming as passionate as usual. It’s hard to spread love/passion between two people, so the person who used to have it will feel it slipping away if it’s being given to someone else. If he is disappearing, traveling or unavailable to the point where you are starting to wonder, then he could be cheating. Also, these times tend to take on a pattern because it is tough to synch up schedules, especially in secret. His friends will certainly remain loyal to him in most cases.

They will not let you know what’s going on, but they will definitely be racked with guilt, and their behaviour may change slightly when they are around you while protecting his secret. If you catch him in a lie, your trust will naturally be damaged. Do not hold a grudge – forgiveness is a good thing. If he consistently breaches your trust, its establishing a pattern of behaviour that leads to cheating. Do yourself a favour if he continues lying: get out while you can and don’t let him talk his way back in. its often said; once a cheat, always a cheat. If he’s done it before, he is capable of doing it again. It has nothing to do with you, which is why you can’t say he cheated on his previous lover because she didn’t keep him happy. Cheating is a self serving act in which the cheat(er) doesn’t take his significant other into consideration. If someone is upfront with you that he’s made mistakes in the past, maybe give them a chance but make it a long probationary period before you let your guard down.

Do not ignore your sixth sense, people are gifted to sense when something is not getting right. Whether there are red flags in your relationship that are clueing you in or not, if something feels off, don’t ignore this feeling. Usually that feeling is right and something intangible may have led to you figuring it all out.

Do you have any red flags that you’d add to this list? Would you say that you are generally good to at figuring cheaters out or do you seem to find yourself getting cheated on more often? What sorts of behaviours do you think are characteristics of someone who could be a cheat? Look closely, that red flag could be a sign of something happening elsewhere.

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