Monday, 22 April 2013


It is no longer news that just as the issue of economic melt-down has become a global challenge, so is the task of getting ‘Mr/Miss Right’  among singles. It is not peculiar to any part of the world as that which is good for the geese would also be good for the gander.

Take a survey of marriageable singles and ask why they are still single, I bet you, majority of the answers would be; searching for Mr/Miss right. I think the right answer should be; I’m not adequately prepared and is yet to come to terms with my unrealistic expectations. The irony of life is that anyone is an imperfect being endlessly waiting for the perfect human being who will suit their personality without much effort from their own side.

The more detailed you are about marriage and relationship, the easier for you; time spent on preparation for marriage is an investment. The difference between success and failure in marriage is determined by the level of information we have as singles.

As challenging as the preparation for marriage is, it cannot be compared to the long time marriage relationship and its challenges. It is more challenging staying married than getting married. Success in marriage is a series of right choices, your habits and choices now determine your marriage and life. While making these choices, fill your heart with a sense of destination in the marriage.

Some singles think they will only be happy or well taken care of when they get married to a particular person, for instance, a pastor, the best looking lady, the most intelligent and well placed man in the society, the happening guy, etc. remember, character is the decisive test of maturity. You must be very observant of that person’s character, family background and attitude. A healthy relationship in the nuclear family of your partner makes for a healthy relationship in the marital home. Check out how he, as a man, treats his mother. Is he tender, loving and understanding or rude and demanding? Does he shout his mother down? How does this man treat you before marriage? Does he talk to you with respect? Is he on time for appointments?

As much as the above aspects are to be seriously considered, do not forget that we are dealing with an imperfect human being and not some hero of a romantic novel. Everyone has shortcomings and son e of these would have to be overlooked, both yours and those of your prospective partner. Besides, a perceived weakness can present an opportunity to grow and if your prospective mate shows a desire to improve, you have to help.

Many singles look out for compatibility tie but do you know we can all be great actors, especially, when we are trying to impress. Strange as it may seem, it is possible to be in courtship with someone, get married and later find out that you did not really know that person so well. Singles should also realize that to a certain level, all couples are incompatible and marriage itself is purely a ground of differences in views, needs and values. Compatibility is determined by how adaptable both of you are and not how identical. The search for Mr/Miss Right will be less traumatic if couples realize the above. When an individual is well adjusted in life, he/she will most likely be compatible with anybody. Compatibility is more of a personality ‘fit’. Instead of asking; do we agree on everything? A better question would be, what happens when we disagree?

You are safer getting married to your friend, even when both of you were not friends before the beginning of the relationship. You should not get married without being each other’s friends. In a truly successful marriage, couples are good friends and enjoy each others company. It is difficult to sustain a close relationship in marriage when couples are not friends. Do you respect and esteem each other highly and value each other’s opinion?

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