Monday, 22 April 2013


According to scientists, there’s a whole lot more that goes into attraction than looking hot and having a killer personality. Below are some strange reasons we might get attracted as put together by Dr. Helen Fisher (Biological Anthropologist).

·        Your Posture:      Heels don’t just make your legs look great, they also make our body get into lordosis or the spinal posture where our backs are naturally arched and our rears are tipped upward. This pose attracts dudes on a primal level because female mammals naturally crouch down and angle their butts when they are about to mate.
·        Your Scent:                   A recent study by German researchers revealed that our bodies put off a natural ‘scent’ to help us find mates that have strong immune system.
·        Your Smile:                   Interested in a guy? Smile at him. He will most likely get attracted to your smile. Think about it, when someone smiles at you, you naturally mimic the grin, even if you don’t realize it. The reaction smile moves muscles in the face which, in turn, stimulate the nerves that produce the brain’s feel-good chemicals.
·        Your Gaze:                   Your eyes can also influence a guy’s attraction through the phenomenon known as copulatory gaze. Basically, looking into a guy’s eye for two-three seconds flips a primitive switch in his brain which makes him react to your hotness or retreat.
·        Your Teeth:         A new study of singles in America found that one of the biggest things guys look for in a girl is a set of good dentition. Your chompers sub-consciously tell him a lot about you, like your age and health. Thinking about it: white teeth shows you have good nutrition, good hygiene and personal habits even when those assumptions are not always right. Yellow teeth on the other hand might be sending a wrong signal.
·        Your Hair:          Your hair, like your teeth tells a guy a lot about your health. Shiny, healthy hair is a sign of youth and fertility, sub-consciously telling him that you would be able to carry on his genes.

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