Monday, 22 April 2013


It’s your right to choose, yes, but it is not just all about you. It’s about the effect of your choice. Is it likely to be negative or positive? Your choice today determines your tomorrow. Yes, God has a beautiful plan for you; to give you a good future and hope. Every choice you make today has an effect in your life tomorrow and that’s why understanding the effect of your choice is of paramount importance. Your ability to get this picture in mind would really guide your daily choices in life. It is really one thing to make a choice but a different thing to get acquitted with the consequences of those choices. Different people at different times had faced difficult times as a result of unfavourable decisions. Therefore, for one to make a choice of ‘had I know’, one must understand the pros and cons of such choices on a long run.

In making choices that will determine the level of your success tomorrow, you must avoid taking impulsive decisions. Don’t be in a hurry to take that delicate decision. Do not allow the seemingly gratification of your immediate desires to blind your reasoning and sense of good judgement.

We all face the same situation in our daily life, and more often than not, make the same condemnable mistakes. When we catch a glimpse of something we want, we are at impulse to get it. Our feeling of fulfillment, satisfaction and applause for getting that which we want makes us belief so much in ourselves. However, the big question has always been; what is the lasting effect of your decisions? Can you boldly congratulate yourself years later for taking that decision when you did?

The same whole process is also applicable to marital choices. When you see a man or young lady the first time, what becomes of you. Most of us would naturally exaggerate our feelings, allowing lust to overrule, these thought make our seemingly much easier. This is because if you are void to this so called love feeling, then what good will your future consideration be.

There is always the possibility of the pressure of the moment to distort our perspective and make the decision seem urgent. Whereas in the real sense, there is no urgency in decision making, no matter where the pressure is coming. We must, for our own good and better future, compare the short term fulfillment of our choices with the long term effect before finalizing.

Furthermore, we might as well feel great pressure in one area of our focus that nothing else seems to count in other areas and we tend to lose perspective. As difficult as these short, pressure filled moments are, God is ever ready to grant us reasonable understanding and analysis of the situation around us only if we believe in him. He will never lead us into making hasty decisions that are regrettable in the future. Avoid being a prey in the hand of your adversary by depending solely on God to discern between deception and truth.

Do not rush into your choice and hastily make decisions on your would be spouse. Exercise a little patience and observe one another in different conditions, situations and places. Time has a way of revealing beyond the wonderful and pleasant appearance and soft attentive touch. Do not allow anyone pretending to love you while looking for personal gain lure you into regrettable choices. But in all your choosing, choose Christ and your future is guaranteed.

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