Sunday 3 March 2013


Happy married life is what every married person craves. Unfortunately, it has eluded many. Every Saturday, beautifully adorned brides march through the aisle to meet their heartthrobs for an onward journey that should last a lifetime. If you have ever watched a beautiful couple turn grumpy and miserable in a marriage, you will nearly weep. But it happens every other day!

Yet, people often marry, hoping to be happy thereafter. Even family and friends were on hand to wish them all the happiness that marriage can bring. So when faced with the daily grind of making and supporting a family, many couples almost lose their minds. This is so much that it has been said that ‘the greatest of every married woman’s problems is her husband’.

The husbands are not spared the troubles, and sometimes, trials that being married often brings. But many marriages are doing quite well. So you are wondering what could make a difference in your marriage.

Experts say a great marriage is often is often built out of different components: good communication; shared interests; a healthy sex life and many other issues of compatibility. The truth is that no couple is ever doing great in every area all the time. Is that the case in your marriage too?

So, instead of spending all your time fretting over the things that need work, give yourself and your husband a break every now and then and celebrate what you have got right in your marriage. It will only cost you a little soul searching. If you can take an objective look at your marriage and spouse, you could discover the ‘sweet spot’ in your marriage. Doing so would spare you a lot of heartache and you could win back the love and respect of your spouse. Above all, it will do your health a world of good.

Maybe, you are wondering where and if there is anything sweet in your relationship with your spouse. Just as no one person is all together bad, so is no marriage irreparably bad. There must be something worth celebrating in your union, whether your marriage was arranged or you met and fell in love years back. You can find the ‘sweet spot’ in your marriage when you listen when you listen to the tales of woe some of your friends have of their marriage. Also, if you have the privilege of watching court proceedings of estranged couples, you will hear things that could tickle your ears.

Sometimes you read some weird stories of love gone awry on the newspapers and magazines. Well, all of those are no excuse for troubles you may have in your marriage. But do you know what they can do for you? They can help you appraise your own situation. It may well be that even couples whose stories you read failed to see where the grass is green in their union. Possibly, that is why they made a public mockery of the ones they vowed to hold and cherish.

PARENTING:       For some couples, the sweet spot is in parenting their children. One woman who, who struggles to feel emotionally close to her husband, confessed that when it comes to parenting, they see eyeball to eyeball. “Parenting is what we do best together. We have similar perspective on what the children need, we are in step with each other on how to get there and that part of life just comes very naturally for us”.
If that is also true in your case, then start basking in that euphoria, because for many other couples, that is where the headache is.

FRIENDSHIP:      While the woman referred to above battles to remain emotionally close to her husband, another woman has that on a platter of gold. She explains that while her husband does not spend time talking about his feelings, but he enjoys spending time with her. “We are really each other’s most trusted friends. Friendship is the glue that keeps us feeling close. Somehow, it seems that we understand each other naturally”.
If you have that type of friendship with your husband, it can make up for a lot of other things your marriage may be lacking. Yet for this woman, her greatest concern was how to get her husband to save up for the future.      “During our courtship, we discussed our plans for the future. I got the impression that we saw eyeball to eyeball on money matters, but that was not to be. After our wedding, I discovered that her idea of saving for the future is for a new car! I was devastated.”
          “He is very lousy when it comes to getting a job; keeping it is even worse. He has been out of job for more than four months now, but we are managing on what I earn. I am hoping that he gets another job soon. Most importantly, I’m hoping that he will become better at managing money after what we have been through since he lost his job”.

FINANCES:          “One of the leading causes of contentions and divorce in marriage is finances,” says Miriam Caldwell in her book titled; Don’t Let Money Ruin Your Marriage. Money problem is most couples’ problem. Many married couples will tell you that many of their disagreements centre on the five letter word-Money.
          The problem is not about the size of the wallet but on agreement on money matters. For some couples, this is one of the single greatest sources of stress. So if you find that you and your spouse are able to work together well to manage your money and work toward your financial goals, pat yourself on the back.
          It is a major feather in your relationship cap if you can stay on the same page where your money is concerned. It can also save your family from the negative consequences of a lack of discipline in that regard.

FAITH:       This one is a big problem for many couples. While many have been able to manage a religiously divided home, many others are not doing that great. Where you share the same religious views, you can be sure that no matter what questions that may arise in the course of your marriage, they can be answered or at least survived if you share if you share a strong common spiritual foundation.
          According to Kristen Houghton in an article; Religion and Marriage, “Having the same religious and spiritual beliefs are part of the criteria many people use when seeking a marriage partner. They feel strongly that the person they are going to marry should have the same traditions, customs and intensity of purpose as they themselves do. For them, it is an integral part of marriage”.
          Well, being able to find a soul-mate within the religion one practices has been an ongoing challenge for many young people intent on marriage. More often than not, some end up with someone whose religious beliefs they do not hold dear, hoping to find a middle ground.
          While some are able to make such marriages work, others are battling a religiously divided household. So you see why you should savour that part of your married life if religion is not a problem. For many others, it is something for which they are prepared to give every other thing.
          A shared relationship with God brings couples closer and enhances every other aspect of marriage. Even if you quibble about some of the details of life, you can count on your faith to keep you grounded in the foundamentals. Your faith can also help you to forgive the failures and deepen your love for each other.
          It does not matter the many other things you and your spouse have got wrong, just try celebrating what you have got right for once. Not only is it right thing to do for your marriage. It is the best thing you would ever do for your heart.

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