Saturday 2 March 2013


If you are among the few people in life who have found true love, I enjoin you to do all you can to ensure that the oil of love in that relationship does not dry up. As the engine of a car cannot function effectively without a constant top-up of the oil; the same is applicable to the bonds that hold your relationship. You have to constantly find ways to increase the grease that nourishes your relationship or else, it stands the chance of getting knocked up.

If this question is thrown to couples “how many times do you say I love you” I’m sure so many people would say “more often” but is there any need to say it if its not backed up with action?

Although professing undying love to your partner is very important, unfortunately, it is not just enough. ‘I love you’ is not an only word thing, it should be backed up with action if you want the love to survive the test of time. While this phrase is a powerful conveyor of emotion, showing your love in other ways is just as significant, and possibly even more effective at keeping a relationship alive and healthy.

Your love must be backed up with action before it can hold water or weather the storms of life. There are practical ways you can show how much you love someone without uttering those three words. First of all, your profession of love must measure up in your commitment to that person. Commitment is the foundation in which any relationship survives. There is no need to say ‘I love you’ when you do not even make that person or the things that concern him/her a priority in your life. Make him/her the number one person in your life by demonstrating it through active support.

Being thoughtful and taking the initiative to bring happiness to your partner is another simple and practical way to say ‘I love you’. It is the small things you do for your partner that really count. Take for instance, a woman whose husband is extremely rich and provides her material needs would feel insecured if he is not caring. Happiness in a relationship does not only result from the abundance of your possessions but in the demonstration of love and care from both parties involved.

Another way of professing your love practically is to always show your approval, gratitude and admiration for your partner on a daily basis. We all want to be shown approval for the things we do, whether it’s the way we provide for our family financially, the way we raise our children, the way we take care of the house, the way we do our jobs or our personal accomplishments. Don’t be stingy with compliments! Show appreciation anytime your hubby or wife does anything for you no matter how small. Compliment her looks and make her feel like the most beautiful woman in the world. While the woman responds with loving words loaded with respect for the man.

Words are very powerful. What we say goes a long way to actually depict how we truly feel in our hearts. You cannot say ‘I love you’ in one breath and the next thing, you are using hurtful and abusive words on your partner. Is that true love? Being constantly critical and only focusing on your partner’s negative attributes doesn’t say ‘I love you’ very well. In fact, its demeaning and will drive him/her away from your life.

Please recognize the damage your criticism may be causing in your relation ship. They are the little foxes that mess up a loving relationship; especially those that are insignificant. Rather, choose your battles wisely and lovingly lay out any complaints you might have at the most appropriate time.

Always respond to favours done to you by your partner with words of gratitude like ‘thank you’, ‘I appreciate what you did’ and ‘I admire you’. Such words can go a long way to straighten any ruffled feathers and give back the assurance that such a person is loved.

Finally, endeavour to be your partners’ best friend, always ready to lend a listening ear and being there when they need you most.
When you begin to say ‘I love you’ with action rather that with words, you will surely elicit a positive response from your partner that will reinforce the love both of you have for each other more than words can ever say.

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