Sunday 24 February 2013


Setira thought she was having the fun of her life when she kept attending parties all over town with her female friends. Her life was always filled with what friends were thinking, talking or doing and most times, there was always a party to attend. And she did that irrespective of what her husband said or did forgetting that one day, things will get to a head.

Often times people make avoidable mistakes capable of causing a disaster which leads to a lifetime regret. It is common rule referring the human behaviour that people learn from mistakes but is it everybody that learns from mistakes? A philosopher once quoted that the best way to learn from mistakes is to learn from that which others have made. If this advise has been, is and always taken serious, I doubt if their would be replication of errors.

It is always advisable to avoid relationship mistakes as relationship is a union of two people; thus, a mistake committed will affect atleast one of the parties. Certain mistakes might lead to unfixable breakups and feeling guilty thereafter may not help.

Marriage or mutual agreement of getting into relationship is not a license to express as you feel it rather a commitment to accept and tolerate someone you barely know. Remember both of you were neither born of the same parents nor bred under the same roof, so you are bound to be of divergent views. The tendency to be provoked increases when you live in the same house with an opposite sex who does not understand your lifestyle.

In the case of Setira (though newly wed), she was simply doing what she enjoys doing, catching fun and ensuring she hangs out with friends. A good relationship should not necessarily tie you down or limit your activities but when the happiness of your partner is jeopardized, you better watch your back. There are a million ways to come to a mutual agreement such that you don’t get restricted to what you used to do, and that is why communication and understanding becomes an intrigue part of any relationship.

However though, if that lifestyle is a threat to your relationship, would it not be right to adjust it so as to let peace reign? If you think that which you are doing is similar to Setira’s, a whole new adaptation will surely rejuvenate your relationship.

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