Sunday 3 February 2013

Reasons some men hardly say sorry

Hello wonderful people, I was going through some articles one day when I ran into this I think I should share with you.

“My husband and I had a heard time in the beginning of our marriage, it is better now though we still fight every now and then, but I am usually the one to say I’m sorry. Even so, I am usually the one to start talking to him because I want to let go of the fight”, says Abigail, a middle aged woman. She is worried that she is always the one apologizing and trying to make up after every fight with her husband. “My husband doesn’t say sorry, even after he gave me a black eye. He still didn’t say sorry.

I asked my self ‘when does it get to be too much that I say sorry first?’ I am starting to feel that I am being taken for granted and taken advantage of. Shouldn’t he make the first move sometimes? Shouldn’t he say sorry too? I feel like he is running over me and I am loosing myself.” So, most women will likely relate with Abigail’s dilemma. Like Abigail’s husband, most men find it very hard to apologize to their partners. Often, people wonder why that is the case. Yet, as kids, the same people learned from their elders to say, I am sorry, excuse me please, thank you. But as they grow into men, it becomes more difficult for them to utter these words, especially when it involves the opposite sex. It’s kind of annoying, the women know.

Some men, instead of saying sorry would prefer to show it by their actions. They do it in different ways. “My husband would say sorry by taking me shopping. It doesn’t work, though I love the new shoes. For my husband to say sorry, it’s like getting blood out of a stone. Never! Says Ijeoma who has been married for close to eight years. According to Brett McKay in his article-How to apologise like a man. While ‘I’m sorry’ are just mere two words, they are the most difficult for men to utter. We easily utter them in response to trivial matters like accidentally jostling a stranger on the subway or giving the cashier the wrong change. Yet in important matters and to those who mean the most to us, we find ourselves practically choking on the words. But the inability to apologize is a necessary step in moving from boy to man.”

“One of the reasons men choke on the words many people many people believe is because of pride. A proud man may find it difficult to apologize, even though deep down inside, he knows he is wrong. This is an example of a man’s ego that is out of proportion. He is more worried about hurting her pride than saying he is sorry, or worse, he worries more about his pride than his partner’s feelings”. Says a relationship expert, Josienita Borlongan.

Similar to the first, its all about the image or perception. Appearing weak in front of the opposite sex is something most men try to avoid. To some, asking for forgiveness is a sign of weakness. They think that apologizing is a sign of weakness, they think that apologizing diminishes their self respect.

Some men do not simply like to be wrong, to them; it’s a sign of in competence. Others would rather be rude and not apologize than admit their guilt, continues Borlongan. It is much more difficult to say it with words; therefore, they show it in deeds, buying their partners peace offerings like chocolates and flowers. Some become extra attentive to their partners, hoping they will notice.


So, why do men find it difficult to utter this healing two word sentence to their partner, one correspondent; John Uchegbu has this to say. “It’s a macho thing that some guys do, they feel the world owes them a living and why do they have to apologize for their mistake? Anyway, a true man is willing to apologize when he is wrong, and says he is sorry with sincerity. Another respondent, Mrs. Joy Umeda said it’s because men hate to lose. Jane Amah believes that the majority of men do not like to admit that they are wrong because of pride, “I suppose it’s because of pride since they have been programmed to think that the men is superior. But you have noticed that behind every successful man, there is a woman. Most of them won’t admit that but the weaker sex knows better. McKay in his book; ‘How to apologize like a man’, is of the view that men should learn to apologize even when its not fully their fault. “There is a breed of man who will not apologize unless he feels 100% at fault for something. But hardly is there a situation having 100% one person’s fault. If your wife flew off the handle and called you some cutting things for seemingly no reason, it’s not because she is not an ice princess; she’s hurt because you’ve been working 80 hours per week and not spending enough time with her. Even if the fault split is 1-99%, you still need to work hard to humble yourself and come to an understanding of what that 1% is rooted in. Do not live your life as though everyday you are pleading your case before an imaginary court, presenting evidence for why you are not at fault. It is not as important to be right as it is to have healthy relationships with others. Would you rather be right and give up your relationship with someone special? Would you rather be right than lift the hurt feelings from your better half? Being self satisfied in your justice offers little benefits but the feeling of smugness won’t keep you warm at night. Relationship experts say that you don’t have to apologize for what truly isn’t your fault, but that you can find the things that will get the ball rolling for the other person to own up to her mistakes. Don’t let pride stop you from being the bigger person and taking the initiative. That is being the real man you know!

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