Saturday 4 May 2013


Relationship is a beautiful union of two human beings for the same course which begins when they find they are soul mates and customarily break up when they feel the other person as the most unsuitable match he/she can ever find. It is quite funny that the revolution is derived at many a time, within a very short span of time. At this instance, two possible questions arise: did they mistakenly conceive each other as soul mates? Or did they fail to meet up with the demands of the relationship? Whatever be the case, it is always advisable to quite a relationship when somebody feels it is horrible to continue. The most understood reason for dropping the attractions in a short time is getting into a relationship without proper analysis of the partner. Many couples decide to maintain relationships because of the peripheral attraction and by the time they realize what life is, they will be in a hooked up situation. It is better to leave a relationship if it gives only issues and dissatisfaction.

If you feel you no longer receive the due respect and concern, then it’s high time you watched where the clocking is ticking. This unionism should be one filled with cares and feelings for each other, trying to maximize comfort and always ready to watch each other’s back. Emotional or physical abuses are to be resisted in a relationship and one has to think twice immediately the reverse surfaces. There are trial times though but differentiating the sheep from the wolf is a key to survival. Modern relationships do not bind one to suffer lifelong even where incompatibility stares him/her on the face.

Romance is the sum of all the struggles and tensions undergone in relationships. People get into it to enjoy the romantic presence of the partner and accomplish the human tendency of loving and being loved. If one of the partners does not understand the importance of affection in a relationship, it cannot go further in effective manner. You need not compromise your life for a partner who is less affectionate or rude to you. Lack of romance is the obvious sign of lack of interest. When the love meter dips down perpetually, then one has to understand it as the right time to go away from the partner.

Trust is a delicate string that binds the partners in a relationship together. As soon as you realize broken trust in a relationship, leave without considering the consequence. Trust is a way of expressing the love, concern and value one feels for the other person. If any one of the partners doesn’t care about maintaining the trust, then it is always better to hold back.

When the relationship infuses into a persistent sad feeling, then it’s no longer beneficial. Thirst for happiness is said to be the driving force behind every action in human life. When the friendship offers you depression, rather than peaceful life, then going on with it and being optimistic things would get better wouldn’t make sense. But wait, before you draw conclusions, is the depression as a result of your own mentality or ignited by the courtship shortcomings. If the later is the case, then the relationship might be heading to the rocks. It ruins your personality if you make him/her a priority while you are only an option.

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